Klatt - 1x1 Test
Klatt - 1x1 Test
Every new user needs to register. The Username should be 1-10 characters long.
From the second time onwards just search your Username in the first field if you need to, and the practising starts with the Start button.
The character image (apple) is changeable, you just need to tap on it and select a new one.
The user can switch on/off the background music with the button at the bottom left corner.
Which times table would you like to check? You can choose more than one at a time, just tap on the Stars and Start!
The Star's colour shows your last result:
Red - less than 50%
Yellow - 50-80%
Green - more than 80%
Green with yellow frame - 100%
White - you haven't practised yet.
If a star is translucent, your last practice was more than a week ago.
Start with one times table, and later (or if you are on higher level) choose more than one at a time!
Write the result in the field and tap on the Submit button. If you can do this before the train leaves the screen, your time is better than 6 seconds (the train movement is available from iOS 10.0).
If you tap on the Skip button, you can solve the next task and the skipped ones will come up at the end of the test.
Challenge: use this button as less as you can!
An adult has the next options:
Go to our website: this button opens the application’s website.
Edit Username: after some practising an adult can edit the current user’s username.
All of the users can be deleted here too with the Reset button. But be really careful with this option, this action can not be undone.